At first I had big hopes for the "Tea Parties" I thought they were going to be like the Boston tea party. We would all rise up against the companies getting the bailouts, and trash their stuff. A grand gesture to our corrupt government that we were not going to take them stealing from us to pour money down the throats of their corporate masters.
Unfortunately it turned out to be just a stunt pulled by FOX news and a bunch of right wing douchebag organizations. No plan, no actions, just a handful of people standing around saying me too.
When this country ready to do something to fix itself I will join a real tea party, but I am not going to be a teabagger.
slava ukraini
5 days ago
LOL, you really upset about that whole "tax" thing? You don't really need money to be happy. If you're that upset about it, the Great Bunny has told me that if you send him a check, he'll send you a bunny. How could you resist a cute little bunny, it'll make you feel better, and if you get low on money, you can eat it. :)
I do love me some bunny. MMMMMM.. Bunny.
It is not so much the tax that was my issue. I mean I disapprove of the whole debt driven bailout/recovery plan but that wasn't my biggest issue with the teabaggers.
My problem was the absolute sissy nature of the protests. First you can hardly call them protests. There wasn't even a coherent agenda or complaint, just a bunch of dumb asses saying "U no can haz takses"
How dare they associate their pathetic sissy selves with the Boston Fucking Tea Party. Sam Adams and company did something. They took risks and actions, they broke stuff, they went on to start a revolution. They had big giant brass nuts.
The teabaggers are just a bunch of sheep playing patsies for a bunch of political players who just want to be the ones doing the screwing.
Ya I see what you're saying. I think they just wanted any excuse to grab their Obama posters again :P
That is true, especially since he isn't even a citizen. Just kidding.
I actually argued for the "birthers" side on Topix about the birth certificate thing. I went in under the assumption that he was almost certainly a citizen but he was Constitutionally
required to demonstrate that before taking office. I also argued that Constitutionally both John McCain and Hillary Clinton definitely were not Constitutionally qualified for the office.
I made the point pretty well to and managed to piss off both sides.
LOL That's always fun. I wonder if I could be president? I have American citizenship because my mother is American, but I was born up here in Canada. I imagine I couldn't :P
Constitutionally I don't think so, there are a few technicalities but I think born in Canada means no. Also the president must be a man according the Constitution. It is very clear on that. It needs to be changed by an amendment but as it stands Hillary Clinton could not have been president.
I don't think they can be an atheist either can they?
That's ok though, I don't feel bad, when I die I get my own universe, the Great Bunny told me so :)
I do like the bunny. My own universe would be nice.
I think the president can be an atheist because of the no religious test clause. Some states do have laws against atheists holding office though.
An atheist president would be so cool. All of the religious lobbyists would show up in his office and find a bunch of Humanist celebrants getting the faith based hand outs. PZ Meyers with a cabinet position. Or Hitchens, Hitchens should be Secretary of State, that is the kind of diplomat this country needs.
I think you're right, it might stop the conceited beliefs that USA=#1. I mean, America is good, but like everything in the world, it could be so much better. To believe that America is the BEST is a little conceited. I think Bush actually thought that God liked America best and so America could do no wrong. :P
Bush just thought God liked him best. If he had been President of Dumfuqistan he would have thought that was Gods favorite country.
Actually he should have been President of Dumfuqistan.
"Actually he should have been President of Dumfuqistan"
Sometimes I think he was.
@Eternal Critic
Me too sometimes, hence my fondness for Thomas Jeffersons Ideas about revolution.
I kinda miss the guy, I have some quotes by him that are just CLASSIC stupidity
My lovable Bunny says he was born normal but drank all the brains right out of his head. That, and there a history of inbreeding in that family tree.
I agree he was just comedy gold, and to be honest so far I haven't seen Obama doing a single thing better. We have the same war, the same stupid money policy, the same constitutional violations. illegal wiretaps, secret prisons etc. and Barrack is supporting them. He has even betrayed the gay people who thought he was on their side.
I know it is early and he may well turn out to be a great President, but so far he is just Bush redone without the funny.
I do like that he speaks well and doesn't project stupid, that is nice, but if he is going to do stupid things, the way he talks is just lipstick on a pig.
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