I just got a call that said "Political Call" on my caller ID. I gleefully answered the phone expecting the pleasure of bursting some staffers bubble. The nice thing about being a Libertarian is that both parties offer me things to argue against. On the other end of the phone was a girl sounding about fourteen but probably a year or two older. "Hi I am so an so from the Republican something something committee" (I am not redacting she just wasn't a very clear speaker) I said "HI, what can I do for you today?" She started with "Do you consider yourself Republican, Democrat or Independent" I said "Libertarian" She said "Wow like Libertarian uhhm ok" "Well" she said "We are looking for support in opposing the liberal agenda" "Sounds like my cup of tea" I said (yes I do talk like that sometimes) "Which portions of the liberal agenda are we opposing?"
Her: Well uhhm like higher taxes and taking control of our money
Me: Yes I certainly oppose that, of course both parties are into doing that, your party likes to hide it in deficit spending instead of direct extortion but we get screwed the same in the end."
Her: Uhhhm ok well we want to stop that and have less government control
Me: Excellent what intrusive laws will we be repealing?
Her: Excuse me
Me What particular things are we going to be working on removing government control over.
Her uhhm we do the pro life.
Me: Oh no I am very pro choice, I want less government control not more.
Her: (To her credit she dropped the pro life thing instead of trying to argue. Killed my fun but pretty smart) We are like pro military.
Me: Oh yes me too, we need to get them home and stop fighting foreign wars. We need to fix the focus of our military away from ever doing anything outside of our borders.
Her: UH yeah well uhmm we oppose the socialized health care.
Me: Really, I hadn't heard. (a little over the top on the sarcasm I admit) Well I can agree there, we definitely need a better solution than anything the government is offering, something market driven. I can back you up on this issue, are you looking for someone to write letters to congressmen or newspapers?
Her: Uhh no we are looking for donations to fund our work.
Me:...........Ha Ha Oh sorry I didn't know this was a money call, I give to Libertarian causes.
Her. OH ok G'nite.
She was far from the worst political caller I have ever had, but it was obvious she had zero knowledge of the issues she was trying to oppose. None. Even if I were into furthering the Repugnican agenda I wouldn't have given any money to someone who couldn't even detail what they were trying to accomplish. I have to give the Dems credit for at least one thing, they get the smarter fangirls.
W.O.R.K (N.O. Nah, No No My Daddy Don’t)
1 day ago
Aww, that poor little girl was probably so confused when she got off the phone with you. You might have broken her.
I think of it as a public service maybe she will be motivated to either learn sonething about politics or walk away from it. Or better yet learn something and then become a Libertarian.
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